材質: 紙
產地: 臺灣
款式: 共五款
價錢: $35張 / $150套
年份: 2017
I create a symbol for each year starting from three years ago. This year is the fourth, searching for inspiration for my drawing.
First year, the design is simple. Drawing a bee firecrackers’ castle with chicken form, writing two phrases meaning that the bad situations will go away, it is my year!
Second year is dog year. I drew a dog who is scratching in bee firecrackers peacefully. This symbol tells us to learn the spirit of keeping a calm mind until reaching "Zen" state.
Third year is pig year. I drew a pig who is looking at his reflection on the surface of a lake. He sees his face connecting a bird to form a chinese word "吉" meaning Luck.
This year is mouse year. The symbol of this year includes a lot of inspirations. One of these is the Northern Song official Bao Zheng renowned for his honesty. He has five followers coming from non-government. They help Bao Zheng to search for evidence and capture criminals. People call them "The Five Mice".
Bao Zheng’s special signs are a black face and a crescent moon on his forehead. So I chose black t-shirts to print the design to exhibit his skin color. I draw a crescent moon on the mouse's forehead like Bao Zheng. Because mice are always thought to be tricky and "The Five Mice" are Bao’s subordinates, I let him has Bao’s image to satirize the official probably not good enough. Another reason is from tumbler toy. I want to express the master who is always hesitant, without his own opinions.
As for the four words, they form a phrase. The meaning is distinguish Right from Wrong.
What is Right? The kindness from human beings is the standard of judgement from Bao Zheng.
Around the mice are four Chinese holy creatures but fake. I let a snake replace one of them to hint this official is fake too.