● 2023/06/01 -The Story of Papers: Getting Better and Keeping Going Project-
● 2022/10/04 / 2022佇在港邊彼一日移住體驗計畫 /現正展覽中ING
● 2022/11/03 / 2022藝術家駐台江計畫 / 現正展覽中ING
● 2022/02/20 -來自紙的消息- The NEWS from PAPER project 進行中ING
● 2021/10/04 YOGA: face yourself. yoga class on the air 開放報名
● 2021/10/04 完焙Bolivia Natural SHG HP(中深焙)
● 2021/09/03 YANSHUI IMAGE POSTCARD will be sold in CAFE'
● 2021/08/23 YOGA: Who will you meet? yoga class on the air 開放報名
● 2021/07/24 完焙Bolivia Natural SHG HP(中深焙)(已售完)
● 2021/07/06 完焙Uganda Organic Rfa fully washed Sipi falls 烏干達嬉皮瀑布水洗 (低庫存)